To All Parents:
We hope all is well with you and your family and that your power has been restored. We continue to pray for those waiting for power and we are thankful for God’s protection and provision for all of us.
To update you concerning the campus, Duke Energy was working on the power for Keswick last night and the crews are back at it this morning. We are hopeful power will be restored and school will re-open tomorrow.
If power is not restored by 3:00 pm today, we will not have school tomorrow and we will let you know via email. We will also post the information in onCampus and on the KCS Facebook page.
So be looking for another update later today as to if power has been restored or not.
Please note that the Keswick grounds have been prepped and prepared to re-open the campus by three independent tree services. And a certified arborist has deemed the campus safe and secure to return.
Pray with us today for power to be restored and stay tuned for further updates.
God Bless.