Mrs. Irun comes to KCS after a 20+ years of teaching in Asuncion, Paraguay (where she and her husband serve as a missionaries). As two of their sons transitioned to study and live in the United States, Diane sought the Lord for guidance. She says, “I felt Keswick was the only real match for me. I waited for God to confirm if I was to be here or not…literally at Keswick, and in the US. When Mr. Skilton reached out it was unexpected, but God was leading, guiding and confirming the whole time. I am very thankful to be here! God has shown me that He really HAS got this! He uprooted and transplanted me into a new family! I am grateful!”
We asked her:
1. What are three words that best describe you? “Determined, Faithful, Vivacious”
2. If you could learn to speak any other language besides Spanish and English what would it be? “Hmm, I think I would love to learn Portuguese. I love how it sounds!…and I would probably actually use it!”
We are grateful to have Mrs. Irun as a part of our team!