Miss Stachula (pronounced Sta-hula) comes to KCS with four years teaching experience in Pinellas County Schools. She grew up in the Chicago land area and since all of her family still lives there, they visit each other as much as they can!
In life outside the classroom, she enjoys spending time with her boyfriend and his dog, and coaches the KCS middle school gold volleyball team.
She played college soccer for Shorter University and she plans to help out with KCS middle school soccer as well. She is also involved in a womens outreach program and helps teach the 8th grade girls small group at Calvary Church Clearwater. She has spent the past two summers in Uganda and Ethiopia on missions trips and says, “I want to keep going back.”
We asked her:
What about Mathematics do you enjoy most? “I love math because it’s like solving a puzzle. It’s logical, but you can also be creative in your problem solving process.”
What is some of the best advice you’ve received? “My dad always says, ‘love is a choice.’ This plays into many different aspects of life. We have a choice to make if we want to forgive, grow, love, and change with our friends and family. It may not be easy but it’s often worth it.”
Welcoming Miss Stachula! We are so happy to have you!