Our teachers go above and beyond to help their students learn by engaging them in creative ways. Here just a few recent examples of this in action:
Last week, Mrs. Schweiger’s 6th grade students entered an “Escape Room” when they came to class. They solved puzzles to identify grammar elements in order to escape before the bell rang.
The 1st grade learned about Johnny Appleseed with lots of apple games and prizes. They even met Johnny Appleseed himself when he came to read to them (he happened to look a little like Mr. Stratis!)
Mrs. Brush’s 9th grade Honors English class matched puzzle pieces of vocabulary words to their definitions in prep for a vocab unit test.
Mrs. Carmichael’s VPK practiced nonstandard measurement by measuring farm animals with duplo blocks.
And sometimes, the best classroom isn’t a classroom at all. Coach Zomermaand took his Advanced PE class on a kayaking trip to Hillsborough River State Park.
Moments like this are happening all the time around our campus. Thank you, teachers, for your dedication to education!